Saturday, March 24, 2012

WiFi Rules, OK? Only 6% Of iPad Sessions Come From Cellular Networks

ipad LTE iconThere has been some anecodotal evidence about how WiFi is by far the most popular way to connect on a tablet, but some numbers out from Localytics spell out just how little traffic is coming from 3G (and now 4G) networks on the most popular tablet of all, the iPad from Apple. Using data from apps that run on its mobile analytics platform, Localytics says that in the last week, since the introduction of the new iPad, only six percent of all sessions on iPads were coming from cellular networks, with the rest coming from WiFi. That's a testament to how consumers by and large don't seem to be particularly interested in having 3G or 4G on their devices: not great news for carriers that were hoping for more traffic and purchases of data plans on their cellular networks. However, Localytics also found those tablets that do have cellular chips are seeing a very even amount of use between WiFi and cellular networks.


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