Thursday, March 29, 2012

Ambassador Spotlight: Stephanie Hamm


This week we?ve got Stephanie Hamm of Fit Mom? in Training in the Spotlight! Stephanie is a mom, half marathoner, hopeful triathlete and ?Reeker of Awesomeness.? You can find her on Facebook and on Twitter @fitmomtraining.


Stephanie Hamm


How do you define FitFluential?

Being FitFluential to me means working toward balance of mind, body and soul. It means not being afraid to try something new, never backing down from a challenge and never including giving up as an option in achieving your health and fitness goals. It means working until your muscles scream for mercy, sweating until you can?t see and realizing that you can be and are capable of so much more than you realize. It means falling down repeatedly, picking yourself back up and trying again until you get it right. It means having fun, laughing at yourself, singing when you know the words and dancing when you don?t. It means living out your chosen lifestyle always, not just when people are watching.


What is your main motivation to be fit?

To be a living example to family, friends, strangers and most importantly, my kids that health and fitness is a beautiful thing. I?ve lived enough life to see and experience the consequences of poor health, bad decision making and sedentary living. Knowing that the decisions I make today affect not only me, but my family, friends, healthcare system and shape what my future will look like is all the motivation I need to get off my butt and move.


FitFluential believes the key to balance is eat, sleep, move, enjoy. What is your favorite way to enjoy life?

Getting outside and taking advantage of every sunny day, cool night and foggy morning I can. It?s not about locking yourself in a gym for hours but rather, incorporating this lifestyle into your every day living. I love trying new things, experiencing everything that life has to offer, whether it?s a great meal with friends, a play date at the park or an early morning run.


Stephanie Hamm


What is your regular fitness routine?

When I?m not pregnant, I love to strength train 3-4 days per week, run 1-2 days per week and swim whenever I can get to the pool. I?m big on variety and changing the scenery around so I?m always looking for new disciplines to try, new routes to run and new challenges to kick my butt.


What advice do you have for someone at the beginning of their fitness journey?

It?s not an all or nothing journey. Take your time, educate yourself and be patient. It?s about more than doing, it?s about enjoying, understanding and growing both physically and mentally. Find something that you truly enjoy doing, don?t gravitate toward what everyone else is doing. If you don?t like running, don?t run, try spinning instead. Ultimately you are in control of your journey so take ownership and be empowered by it. You?re capable of so much more than you realize.


Stephanie Hamm Fit Mom in TrainingBonus Question:

What is one bit of advice you can offer to anyone having a rough day?

Like bad gas, this too shall pass (think about it?it?s profound).


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